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Arms of Caid  
Caidan Search

Office of Arts and Sciences
[seal] Office of Arts and Sciences [seal]

The Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences is

Ars Caidis
Ars Caidis was the Kingdom of Caid's quarterly Arts & Sciences journal, is currently dormant. For questions or comments, please contact the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.

The Minister of Arts and Sciences Handbook is the how-to manual for Arts & Sciences officers and includes the requirements for classes in Historical Combat Studies.

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The Kingdom Arts & Sciences Fair and Pentathlon, Caid's premier arts and sciences event, occurs every other year. Its primary objectives are to give the artisans of the kingdom an opportunity to learn more about different arts and sciences and to demonstrate their skills. For further information, contact, .

Pentathlon Information

Comments, suggestions or updates regarding this site should be sent to the .

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